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If you want to reduce the amount of eyelash loss you experience and start gaining eyelash regrowth you need to know what the causes are so you can protect them while they grow. There are many causes of eyelash breakage, which do lead to eyelash loss, but there are a few common ones you may be aware of;

Short brittle eyelashes are often a result of excessive mascara and false eyelash extension use. These products can cause eyelashes to break very easily,restricting the amount of eyelash growth, leaving you with little to no eyelashes. To reduce the amount of damage from these products limit the amount that you use. One useful tip for applying mascara is to look at the texture. If the lashes are too clumpy and stuck together resembling spider legs, then you have used too much.

Mascara works by attaching to the surface of the lash to make them look longer, weighing it down in the process so eyelash loss is often a result.

 The most damaging type of mascara is waterproof mascara. It is always harder to wash off so more force is needed which will damage the lashes and cause more eyelash loss. It may be useful to avoid eye make up for a while to avoid more eyelash loss while your lashes are growing.

Eyelash curlers are also very damaging for eyelashes. Just like hair straightners can damage the hair on your head, this has the same effect for lashes. The heat weakens the hair follicle making it break and fall out. If you are desperate for curled lashes but don’t want to give up mascara then buy curl mascara, which will give you the same look.

Rubbing your eyes can also cause eyelash loss which an prolong your eyelash regrowth. Sometimes this cant be avoided. If your eye is itching then your going to itch it but next time don’t rub it so hard.

You’ve probably asked yourself if your eyelashes will grow back and the answer is yes. It is definitely possible to gain new eyelash growth. By implementing the previous mentioned tips you will be able to limit the amount of eyelash loss you experience. It is normal to loose a few lashes now and then but now you wont be loosing so much. You need to take care of your eyelashes just like you do with the hair on your head.

There are products available to encourage eyelash regrowth. There are a range of products from eyelash conditioners to eyelash growth serums that make your eyelashes stronger and less likely to break, whilst growing. If you plan on buying any of these products make sure you read reviews from other users. No two products will be as effective so do some research to make sure you are getting value for money and find out if there are any side effects.

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It may seem like a miracle product, you apply the eyelash growth serum and soon you will say goodbye to those short brittle lashes forever and hello to longer healthier lashes. That may be true in some ways but there are certain things these sellers aren’t telling you. Eyelash regrowth can be achieved but it might be more risky and expensive then you first thought.

Side effects of eyelash growth products. These are usually written in fine print but they are there and you should always find out what they are. The most common side effects of eyelash growth products are itchy and swollen eyes. This can be due to the fact that you did not apply it properly so it leaked into the eyes or you may have an allergic reaction. If you think you may be allergic to the eyelash growth ingredients stop using the product immediately and if the symptoms persist consult your doctor. Explain to them that you think it may be a side effect of an eyelash regrowth product which has caused an allergic reaction.

This next side effect is rather odd. Some people who have used the eyelash growth products have reported a darker change of color in their iris. This usually happens with people who have blue or green eyes. If you have dark brown eyes this will not effect you.

Non permanent eyelash growth. They don’t mention this on the fancy websites or product packaging but this is the truth. The effects of eyelash growth products are not permenant. Eyelash growth products are usually expensive so it is important that you know this. I have often read reviews of  customers who have mentioned that the products are rubbish because all eyelash regrowth falls out and they experience eyelash loss once they stop using the product. This will happen once you stop using it but that does not mean the product is rubbish. Most of these products do what they are supposed to do, its just that you weren’t told that the effects are not permenant. In order to keep you new longer lashes you have to keep using the product. This is why it is best used for people who don’t mind paying continously for the product. If your beauty regime consists of false eyelash extentions every week and the latest mascara then switching to an eyelash growth product might actually be cheaper for you.

Most only make lashes longer and not thicker. Ive heard this so many times from customer reviews and it is perfectly normal. The products probably wont make your lashes thicker, just longer so you might have to hold on to that mascara a little longer. This is also something that the sellers may fail to mention which is why it is so important to find out more information before you buy something. You need to remember that the sellers want you to buy their product so they wont be shouting from the rooftops all the negative points about it.

Banned ingredients. This is a bit of a shocker but some eyelash regrowth products still contain banned ingredients. Some of these contain chemicals that can cause harm to your eye if used regularly. To pretect yourself from buying harmful eyelash growth products make sure that the product is FDA approved, which means it is safe to use.



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If you have ever considered buying an eyelash growth product you may have been overwhelmed by all the information available. It is common for each product to have mixed reviews from customers so how do you know which one you should buy? Firstly there are a few things you need to take into consideration, price, performance, and reviews.

Lilash-  Lilash has many positives reviews and seems to be the favourite eyelash growth product at the moment. It doesn’t come cheap with a $139.95 price tag per tube but each tube will last around 5 months so that is the equivalent to $27.99 month.

When I first used Lilash my eyes were sore the next day. This is a common side effect with eyelash growth products and usually goes away after discontinuation of use. Having paid $139.95 for a tube I was a little disappointed to get sore eyes within the first use. I decided to wait a few days until my eyes recovered before using it again.

A few days later my eyes were OK again so I decided to give Lilash a second chance. I didn’t use as much serum as last time and my eyes didn’t get sore so I think I may have applied too much causing it to leak into my eyes.

After a month of anticipation I noticed my eyelashes had grown dramatically. They still weren’t as long as I had wanted them but it was only the beginning.