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Yes eyelashes do grow back. It may take a few months before you notice an improvement in length but it is possible to grow back eyelashes.

Eyelash growth cycle

Each individual eyelash has a growth cycle that determines how quick the eyelashes grow back. This consists of three parts, anagen, catogen and telogen. The active eyelash growth phase is called anagen. The anagen phase lasts between 30-45 days and usually only 40% of your upper lashes are in the active growth phase at  any given time. Your lower eyelashes will take longer to grow, as it is common for only 15% of those lashes to be in the active growth phase.

The catagen phase is when the eyelash stops growing. This is why people who have used eyelash growth products often notice their lash growth stops once it reaches a certain length and it has been growing for a while.

The telogen phase is referred to as the resting phase for eyelash regrowth. During this period your lash growth will have a resting for a period of up to 100 days then the eyelash will fall out.

It is very common for lashes to fall out on a daily basis, as some individual eyelashes will be in a different stage of the growth cycle. People often think that they are doing something wrong if their eyelashes fall out when they are trying to grow them, but this is perfectly normal. Just remember that once the lashes have fallen out they will go back into the anagen active growth phase again and grow back. You just have to be patient and you will notice your eyelash regrowth.

What you can do to encourage eyelash regrowth

There are some useful tips and eyelash growth products available that can help speed up your lash growth cycle. Eyelash growth products are very popular and the results are proven so this would be the best choice. The price ranges from $120-$140 for a tube but usually lasts around six months.

If you plan on buying an eyelash growth product make sure you do some research before you part with your money. Ensure the product is FDA approved so you know it is safe to use. You also need to find out the possible side effects and read reviews from other customers.



Shannon said... @ 6 July 2009 at 15:33

It is amazing what a difference lashes make to your face… I started using Revitalash in October and I get comments all the time now. People say my eyes look more beautiful and I look more awake or they aren’t sure what is different but they know I look good!!I also really like how the company started… The eye doctor that created Revitalash has a wife that had undergone chemo and she had zero lashes and thanks to him she does now. It’s so sweet!!

eyelashlover-brenda said... @ 22 August 2011 at 06:50

Very nice blog. :) Just want to share. I've tried different ways to thicken my eyelashes and make it longer and fabulous. I've tried having eyelash extensions, putting false eyelashes and using mascara, but I felt unhappy with those products because it looks unnatural. I've tried eyelash growth products and definitely it's working. I love my eyelashes now. :)

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